

A Professional People User

Manipulation of emotions is often the key these people use to get a partner. They do not seek a true relationship, and they only want...


Moving to a Better Life

For those who have walked out of a bad relationship, moving to a better life is not always a clear path. They might have moved...


When the Pain Subsides

When a partner finds out they are nothing more than a convenience, their emotional pain may be overwhelming. They made a commitment to the relationship...


Recovering from Betrayal

A betrayal in a relationship can leave a person wondering if they are too needy or anxious to get into another relationship. They do not...


Faltering Relationship?

Are you worried that the spark is dwindling in your relationship? Have arguments become more frequent and ultimately more serious, or have those small little...


Trading Commitment for Convenience

It is important for this person to regain confidence in their ability to connect with other people. While this is happening, they still have emotional...


Relationship Abuse Recovery

Some people leave their abusive partner and begin dating before they recover from the relationship, and they often fall prey to other abusers. This is...